Welcome to English Club SMA N 1 Gadingrejo Website >> . .
We make this Blog, because We want to showing to public about English Club Extraculicular of Senior High School 1 Gadingrejo. More ever, in we achievement both competition and any other program of this organization. We think and we believe if we can do something which can make our school be best from the best, absolutly in English Language aspect.
"It's Time To be Better"
>>The One Step To Get Glory.....
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT to sharing with creator of this blog, you can visit in:
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flash-rain.blogspot.com and this E-mail to sent your massage in:
this Certificate want to get for the winners in ECF. for all winners like;
1st winners,
2nd winners and
3th winners. But the certificate want to share after Bulan Bahasa . And we as The Officer of ECF want to say SORRY if we have mistake in all activities in there competition
Baca selengkapnya EC SMA N 1 Gadingrejo: 2010
ECF ( English Club Festival) 2010
SMAN 1 Gadingrejo
Speech Competition
Peraturan Lomba Pidato Bahasa Inggris :
1. tidak menggunakan naskah orang lain
2. menggunakan tata bahasa Inggris yang baik dan benar
3. menyiapkan 3 rangkap naskah pidato untuk dewan juri saat tampil
4. menuliskan nama dan kelas di pojok kanan atas lembar naskah
5 diharapkan tidak membawa naskah saat tampil
6. peraturan juri tidak dapat diganggu gugat
format penilaian :
1. penampilan 50%
2. isi 30%
Baca selengkapnya EC SMA N 1 Gadingrejo: 2010
English Club SMAN 1 Gadingrejo get invitation from
Poltekkes Kemenkes, Tanjungkarang hold BEM ExpRess 2010 (BEM Poltekkes is Excist Be Progress and Excellent Because Ourselves Solidarity) in celebration annual BEM, which held on September 23th until October 3th 2010. Not only to student of Senior High School all province Lampung but
this invitation as site information in facebook:
From this competition our school get "Overall Champion" from 3 kinds of competition. Although, we only sent in English Competition. Whereas, in there have 11 subkinds of competition, like:
- English Competition
-Sport Competition, and
-Art Competition
And in there have many activities like:
-Seminar of helthy soul
-Free to check healthy
Baca selengkapnya EC SMA N 1 Gadingrejo: 2010